Cloth Cleaning

Cleaning Before The Winter Holidays

Christmas tree ornament JOY

As winter approaches, major holidays including Halloween, Thanksgiving Holiday, Christmas Holiday and New Year’s Eve are also closer. Many people celebrate these holidays in different ways. The season brings joy to many people, and for this reason, they dedicate their time to prepare for the occasion.

During winter holidays, many homes are beautifully decorated with colorful flowers and lights for special celebrations. Likewise, before completely decorating the house, it is crucial to perform a thorough holiday cleaning to create a refreshing environment.

With time, dust particles gather on different items in your home and other places you rarely clean. For example, things like picture frames, ceiling fans as well as lampshades gather dust, but many people clean them occasionally. It …

Tips For Cleaning Red Wine Out Of Clothing

Remove Red Wine Stain

Stains and dirt are an unavoidable inconvenience with our clothes, but some are worse than others. Personally, there is nothing more annoying than red wine on a beloved knitted sweater. The good news is that red wine stain removing is easy with these clothes/fabric cleaning tips.

The First Piece Of Advice That I Have…Is To Think Fast!

The last thing you want is a big stain of merlot ruining your favorite sweater or shirt. In an ideal situation, you will take it off right away and start the cleaning methods while the wine is wet. The longer it stays there, the more time it has of setting in, drying, and becoming a permanent issue.

This is easier said than achieved …